It is not possible to grow thin?
You sit on every possible
diets and regularly visit a sports hall, and superfluous kgs all in any way do not wish to say goodbye to you? Probably, business in the following:
1. You have not breakfast. Scientists have established: the more plentifully a breakfast, the less person eats within day. It is better to prefer albuminous food as a variant, to eat a boiled egg or low-fat cottage cheese in the morning. Then in the afternoon you long will not feel famine.
2. Dieticians have established, that at the people eating on three apples in day, the weight of a body more quickly decreases. The reason that in this fruit is a lot of êëåò÷àòêè and waters because of which other meal it is required less.
3. Hate employment in a sports hall? There Is rather pleasant and not ordinary way to burn superfluous calories. This singing! Sing in a shower, in the machine, on family holidays. A sincere way to struggle with excess weight ...
4. In the childhood our dinner, as a rule, began with soup. Scientists have established, that it is rather useful for a figure. Soup fills a stomach with a liquid and gives sensation of satiety. Therefore, if to begin with it a dinner, it will want to eat after less.
5. Do not like to rise and do early çàðÿäêó? Also it is not necessary! Simply perform on road for work this simple exercise. Íàïðÿãèòå muscles of buttocks, keeping a pressure for 10 seconds. Weaken. Again íàïðÿãèòå in 10 seconds. Carry out exercise of 10-15 times.
6. Get a useful habit to speak by phone standing. In general, think up as much as possible affairs which can be carried out " on legs ". Rise because of a table as soon as there is an opportunity. In fact a sedentary way of life - one of principal causes of excess weight and other, not less serious problems with
7. Scientifically the fact in evidence - a high-grade dream helps to support weight in norm. All business in a hormone ëåïòèíå, overwhelming feeling of famine. It on 15 % contains at people whom eight hours per day while at those who sleeps only five hours per the day, the raised maintenance in an organism of a hormone ãðåëèíà sleep a minimum, causing famine more.
8. Wish to grow thin? Forget about the lift. Minute of rise on a ladder in normal quiet rate is equal on power inputs to ten minutes of walk by fast step.
9. Probably, the problem of excess weight is connected by that you do not give attention to the use of calcium. Alternative to polyvitamins - fish day!
10. Eat with pleasure! It is proved, that those who eats on the move and between times, those who enjoys food eat as a result more, than.